Born July 30, 2016 this pure bred border collie is the perfect dog that Amanda never knew she wanted.
She originally wanted to wait another 1-2yrs before adding another dog to the family, but her kid sister fell in love with dog agility and wanted to join in the training fun. So with only 2yrs before her younger sister graduated high school, the puppy timeline was bumped up so she could take over puppy training.
Just after Winnie's 1st birthday, Amanda underwent back surgery and took over Winnie's training a year ahead of schedule to ease herself back into the world of dog agility. The two are a wonderful team and will forever have her sister to thank for bringing them together. Her sister named him after Bear, who's won over the entire families hearts since he was a puppy. So in a true "Bear theme" he was named "Winnie" after the children's classic "Winnie The Pooh" and he's turning out to be a very special boy.

Winnie's successfully passed the testing requirements for the listed certifications.

Winnie's an unaltered male. Listed are his results from various health tests.

Winnie's results from various trials and organizations.

Winnie at 8 weeks & 1yr later